
June 3 Learn more about June 3

  • The cultivation method of June snow maintenance and management of June snow bonsai

    The cultivation method of June snow maintenance and management of June snow bonsai

    The cultivation method of June snow maintenance and management of June snow bonsai

  • How to maintain the snow bonsai in June?

    How to maintain the snow bonsai in June?

    June snow in the southern region in the spring and autumn as the growth period, the temperature is too high or too low stagnant growth. It likes warm and semi-humid environment, is not cold-resistant, and is suitable for the growth of fertile and neutral sandy soil. Pond soil and vegetable garden soil can be mixed with a small amount of fine sand, dried cow dung and bone meal, all of which can be used as culture.

  • Species of snow bonsai in June

    Species of snow bonsai in June

    Because the branches of June snow are very soft and tough, it can withstand flat binding, so the bonsai style is generally divided into straight dry type, Qiu qu type, cliff type and so on. But if the basin is relatively high, it can be cultivated into a cliff type. According to the different inclination, the cliff type can be divided into semi-suspension, full suspension and small suspension.

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests in June snow? How to carry out prevention and control?

    What are the common diseases and insect pests in June snow? How to carry out prevention and control?

    The main results are as follows: (1) the disease is caused by Pythium and ultimate Pythium in fungi. it is a seedling disease which seriously threatens the growth of snow in June. Waterlogged disease spots began to appear at the base of the stem of the injured seedlings, then turned brown and sunken and atrophied, and then the diseased part quickly revolved around the stem, making the seedlings quenched. Finally, the diseased seedlings rotted and withered.

  • How to water the snow in June, the method of watering the snow in June / keep the pot soil moist

    How to water the snow in June, the method of watering the snow in June / keep the pot soil moist

    June snow, also known as the sky full of stars, it not only has beautiful leaves, but also beautiful flowers and colors, white and light red are very lovable. As a highly ornamental plant, it is necessary to raise snow in June, especially in watering. We must pay attention to how to water the snow in June. The amount of water is different in different seasons.

  • How many years can June snow bonsai live? How to make June snow bonsai/pruning is the key

    How many years can June snow bonsai live? How to make June snow bonsai/pruning is the key

    June snow, a very beautiful flower, it beautiful plant type, and overall short, as a potted plant placed indoors is a very good choice. In life, we pay attention to: do it yourself, the June snow bonsai is so beautiful, have you ever thought about making it yourself?

  • How to trim the snow in June, the method of pruning the snow bonsai in June / pruning in April and blooming in June

    How to trim the snow in June, the method of pruning the snow bonsai in June / pruning in April and blooming in June

    June snow, a kind of plant which is very suitable for bonsai, keeps it at home and has excellent ornamental effect. Raising June snow is very simple, but it is not easy to make June snow look good, because it involves pruning, so how to trim June snow? Next

  • Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

    Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

    Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

  • A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

    A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

    If June snow is raised well, it is very beautiful after flowering. Some friends want to breed June snow on their own after raising June snow. In fact, June snow, which is not difficult to cultivate, is not very difficult to breed. Generally speaking, the propagation methods of June snow can be divided into two methods: cutting and ramet.

  • Pictures and production methods of snow bonsai in June

    Pictures and production methods of snow bonsai in June

    Pictures and production methods of snow bonsai in June

  • June snow bonsai how to raise, June snow breeding methods and precautions / water can not be much

    June snow bonsai how to raise, June snow breeding methods and precautions / water can not be much

    June snow, many flower lovers should be no stranger, it is the most popular bonsai tree, very popular at home and abroad. In life, many novices will buy June snow bonsai from the flower market, but they don't know how to keep it. In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of June snow, which is very comprehensive.

  • The production of snow bonsai in June

    The production of snow bonsai in June

    June snow bonsai, also known as June snow, is an evergreen or semi-evergreen dwarf shrub. It has many branches and dense branches, the plant is low and short, and the exposed one is only about 1 meter high. Like overcast, wet and warm climate, not resistant to severe cold, lax requirements for soil. With small leaves, flexible branches and well-developed roots, it is very suitable to make bonsai.

  • Maintenance and picture appreciation of the latest snow bonsai in June

    Maintenance and picture appreciation of the latest snow bonsai in June

    June snow is a kind of flowers and plants that bloom in early summer in June, and the flowers are as white as snow. People rich in association give it such an image and romantic name. June snow, which grows in the wild, is now introduced into the family by clever gardeners.

    2020-11-10 Latest June snow bonsai conservation and picture appreciation
  • Maintenance and picture appreciation of snow bonsai in June

    Maintenance and picture appreciation of snow bonsai in June

    Maintenance and picture appreciation of snow bonsai in June

  • The method of making bonsai of June snow

    The method of making bonsai of June snow

    The plants of June snow generally choose to propagate separately in March, and then cuttage propagation from April to October. The snow basin soil in June requires the selection of sandy loam which is rich in organic matter, loose and fertile, and has good drainage and permeability. Flowerpots can be slightly darker in color, in contrast to June snow

  • The method of making bonsai in June how to water the snow in June

    The method of making bonsai in June how to water the snow in June

    June snow, is a small evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae, the plant growth is not high, every May-July will open reddish or white flowers, beautiful posture, and do not have high requirements for soil and other conditions, so many people use June snow plants to make bonsai for viewing. that

    2020-11-08 June snow bonsai production method potted plant how watering
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of snow in June

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of snow in June

    June snow, the name, sounds very sad. Ha ha. Is it possible that the painting is white, with fine white flowers in June, the smallest tree and sparse branches and leaves? Like light shade, afraid of the sun, there are many under the leaves and trees in the mountains. Spring planting, or Huangmei rain cutting, it is appropriate to pour shallow tea. The temperature is not strict, and it is evergreen in South China.

  • What is the reason why the snow leaves turn yellow in June

    What is the reason why the snow leaves turn yellow in June

    There are many reasons for the yellowing of snow leaves in June, and the situation of each flower friend is also different, so this article tries to be comprehensive, so that flower friends can refer more, learn more, and observe more of their own actual situation of June snow, and then take the best solution.

  • Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

    Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

    1. June snow bonsai production June snow leaves small, small flowers, stem curve, well-developed roots, tangled roots, many branches, strong germination, can be made into single-dry type or Shuanyu type, multi-dry type, stone-attached type, cliff type and other bonsai. (1) material selection. From March to April in spring

  • The breeding method of June snow is easy to raise and beautiful with these four small methods.

    The breeding method of June snow is easy to raise and beautiful with these four small methods.

    June snow is a high ornamental value of flowers and plants, June snow Phnom Penh green leaves, give people a kind of refreshing feeling, especially when it blossoms in June, such as snow, hot summer snow all over the sky, it is peaceful and comfortable, today.
